Jordan Journal of Dentistry

Paper Detail

Facial Anthropometric Norms of A Young Adult Jordanian Population

Volume 1, No. 1, 2024
Received: 2024/08/15, Accepted: 2024/10/18


Ashraf Shaweesh; Susan Al-Khateeb; Hamed Al-Omar;


Objectives: This study aimed at establishing and analyzing the first database of facial anthropometric norms specific to a Jordanian population and presenting these norms in a form available for orthodontists and surgeons to use for managing their patients.

Methods: Frontal and lateral digital photographs were obtained from 470 young adult Jordanians (317 males and 153 females aged 18 – 40 years). Sixteen facial parameters (6 frontal and 10 lateral parameters) were measured digitally using a custom-designed computer program. Means and standard deviations were calculated for all the measured variables and Students' t-tests were used to calculate the sex differences on the one hand and the age- and sex-specific differences between the studied sample (the Jordanians) and 3 other population groups: Northern Americans, Chinese and African Americans, on the other hand.

Results: Except the facial convexity, all measured parameters had statistically significant sex differences, with the males exhibiting higher mean values. The studied Jordanian males and females are different in many of the facial parameters and the Jordanians differ in many of the parameters from people belonging to other populations. In general, The Jordanians, especially males, have greater facial dimensions and variations than the other populations in comparison.

Conclusions: The study established the first facial anthropometric database specific for young adult Jordanians. The provided norms will be useful for orthodontist, orthognathic surgeons, plastic surgeons and dysmorphologists in aiding the diagnostic facial recognition of variations and deviations from normal and in planning, performing and following up treatment.


Face, Anthropometry, Norms, Jordanian Population